I went down the 5 question skin care survey to see which of the Anew lines was right for me. I'm 48 years old and while I am told I don't appear to be, I know that I'm starting to show my age. I have dark circles under my eyes because I'm very pale skinned (and frankly not willing to spend the money on tanning right now). My skin also is a bit blotchy and pitted in places from a run with adult acne in my 30's. So I chose the Anew Reversalist regimen and ordered the 2 week starter kit.
Every day I washed my face in the morning and evening. This was huge for me as it was because usually I fell into bed with my makeup still on, which is not good. I also applied the eye cream in both morning and evening. Mornings I used the day cream all over my face, and evenings applied the night cream, then prepared myself mentally for maybe nicer feeling skin but hardly expected to 'see' anything change.
In addition to Avon I am a daycare provider. I watch 3 kids, 9 months, 2 years old and 7 years old. I take the 7 year old to school and pick her up each day. Usually at nap time in the afternoons I am picking her up and either my mom, sister or niece are home so that I do not have to take the little ones. at the 1.5 week mark of my 2 week trial, I had the baby in tow when I picked up little Princess Smiles A Lot at the school. While getting them buckled in to their seats, the 7yo looks up at me and says "Miss Marti, your face looks a lot younger today". Now keep in mind the sun is shining so there is no soft light to mask over the fine lines etc. that come with being 48 years old. I admit it did a lot for me, after all she is 7 years old, so that coming out of no where kinda surprised me.
I'm now in my 4th week of using the Reversalist regimen, and now I can see changes. My skin really IS firmer, the fine lines are much less defined, the blotchy areas are fading and yes, my skin really does look and feel much better, younger. I feel like I received a face lift, this is really amazing.
Yes I am an Avon representative, but I'm not biased. I tried this product and whole heartedly believe in it, it really is amazing. I am so confident that others will agree that I'm going to do a give away of a 2 week trial kit from the Anew line. Stay tuned to learn how to enter to win!