My team is doing great and I totally appreciate their hard work. Yes they are my down-line, but they run their own business and I am simply their support. Daily I email all 25 women in my down-line with what I call my daily Rep Pep. It is something I write up to inspire them, along with a sales tip for gaining new customers.
I read every day, authors that have made it in sales, like Joe Girard and Avon's own Lisa Wilber. I want my 'team' to be motivate and aim for those stars of financial freedom. I am also available to them whenever they have a question or need advice or assistance. It is part of my job. I love this job, and I know that this will all pay off not only for me but for them!
This business can be discouraging at times. Recruit prospects set appointments with you then don't show up. You put together a kit so they can get their own Avon business off the ground. You block off time to meet, set up the appointment, even confirm it, and then the 'recruit' doesn't show up and doesn't bother to call. Time is precious to us all, both the recruit and the rep. The recruit would not be pleased if she set aside time from her job, kids, etc and the rep signing her up did not show up or call to reschedule. And yet they do it to us all of the time.
Today I had an appointment with a recruit and she made my day! She thanked me for getting back to her so quickly. She initiated online contact with Avon yesterday early evening, and I received the information and called her within a very short period of time. She was very impressed with the speedy reply and was eager to be a part of my team for that reason. I needed that boost as my sales are not where I need them this campaign.
When I returned from the appointment I had an email asking me to 'please stop littering" a yard with my brochures, despite the fact that I toss on driveways. I am very careful to do so. One little negative threatened to derail my entire positive afternoon. But I work hard to remember what my idol in Avon says, go for the 'no'. She also says if you aren't being asked to stop by someone, the you aren't trying hard enough.
So, while redirecting my thoughts back to the positive rails, I received a great email from one of my down-line, thanking me for the daily emails and support, and for encouraging her with them, she said it energizes her. That made my entire day!
I have such a rocking team! Thanks you very marvelous women!
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Looking for the latest in cosmetics, fragrance and fashion? Look no further!
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Monday, November 21, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The Golden Rule
One of the interesting things about Avon, beyond the fact that you can make a mint at it, is the way some folks treat the Avon Lady.
I read a book recently called, "Don't Shoot Me, I'm Just The Avon Lady" and found it funny what this poor woman endured over the years just trying to make an honest living and keep food on her table. As I've encountered similar situations as an Avon Lady, I've often wondered whatever happened to the Golden Rule. You know the one, 'treat others as you would want to be treated'. Let me explain.
In order to have a customer base one must get their brochures into as many hands as possible. Not unlike 'The Door Store', a bunch of printed ads that arrive weekly on the driveway apron or hanging on the mailbox in a plastic bag, we Avon reps need to mass distribute our catalogs. Some reps chose to go door to door and hang them. This is fine if homes are close together and there are not a lot of steps. Not to mention one needs a LOT of free time to do it this way if you plan to distribute any large number. And it is a numbers game, to gain a few customers you end up distributing several hundred brochures.
Because I distribute 600-1000 books a campaign, I've taken to using the roll and toss method. I learned it reading other rep's stories. I put the brochures in the plastic bags, roll them, put a rubber band around them, then drive along throwing them on driveways like the paper boy would do. Based on the number of customers I have, I would say this method works. I have more this way than when I hung them on doors. Also, once someone orders from me I include brochures in their orders and then will also hang the book on their door. Or if they call and specifically request that.
What amazes me is out of the thousands of brochures tossed between me, my sister and my mom, the few rather rude individuals we have encountered. The newspaper and the weekly store ads are thrown on their driveway without issue. But when we tossed a brochure in the same method, we receive a call or email stating that we are littering their yards. My sister and I have each received 1 flat out nasty and mean call regarding this. It isn't the many wonderful customers that we remember, it is the unkind, and often rude few that get to you and can discourage you and make you feel bad.
I got let go when the economy tanked, from a nice office job I had for 26 years. I managed 2 more offices that also fell victim to the times. I could be sitting on unemployment or welfare, but I have chosen to try to make a living working for myself selling Avon. It isn't easy work by any stretch but I like it. I offer great customer service and I'm always nice and polite to everyone, even when someone is just plain rude.
Ease up on those folks trying to make an honest living next time you want to complain. Be it the cashier working retail who is simply doing their job as they are trained, or someone like me that tosses some books hoping to gain a new customer. You never know their story, what they are about, why they do what they do, or what they do for the community. I work hard with Avon to help contribute to charity events in my township, have business license and volunteer my time and donate my products. If you don't want the service, a polite thanks but not interested will do. Littering your yard? Please, no more so than the ads or the newspaper. Treat others as you'd want to be treated, we pay taxes instead of living off of yours, cut us some slack.
OH and remember my name, because my business IS growing and one day I will be quite well off and you just never know when you might be needing my assistance. Believe me, I will remember yours!
I read a book recently called, "Don't Shoot Me, I'm Just The Avon Lady" and found it funny what this poor woman endured over the years just trying to make an honest living and keep food on her table. As I've encountered similar situations as an Avon Lady, I've often wondered whatever happened to the Golden Rule. You know the one, 'treat others as you would want to be treated'. Let me explain.
In order to have a customer base one must get their brochures into as many hands as possible. Not unlike 'The Door Store', a bunch of printed ads that arrive weekly on the driveway apron or hanging on the mailbox in a plastic bag, we Avon reps need to mass distribute our catalogs. Some reps chose to go door to door and hang them. This is fine if homes are close together and there are not a lot of steps. Not to mention one needs a LOT of free time to do it this way if you plan to distribute any large number. And it is a numbers game, to gain a few customers you end up distributing several hundred brochures.
Because I distribute 600-1000 books a campaign, I've taken to using the roll and toss method. I learned it reading other rep's stories. I put the brochures in the plastic bags, roll them, put a rubber band around them, then drive along throwing them on driveways like the paper boy would do. Based on the number of customers I have, I would say this method works. I have more this way than when I hung them on doors. Also, once someone orders from me I include brochures in their orders and then will also hang the book on their door. Or if they call and specifically request that.
What amazes me is out of the thousands of brochures tossed between me, my sister and my mom, the few rather rude individuals we have encountered. The newspaper and the weekly store ads are thrown on their driveway without issue. But when we tossed a brochure in the same method, we receive a call or email stating that we are littering their yards. My sister and I have each received 1 flat out nasty and mean call regarding this. It isn't the many wonderful customers that we remember, it is the unkind, and often rude few that get to you and can discourage you and make you feel bad.
I got let go when the economy tanked, from a nice office job I had for 26 years. I managed 2 more offices that also fell victim to the times. I could be sitting on unemployment or welfare, but I have chosen to try to make a living working for myself selling Avon. It isn't easy work by any stretch but I like it. I offer great customer service and I'm always nice and polite to everyone, even when someone is just plain rude.
Ease up on those folks trying to make an honest living next time you want to complain. Be it the cashier working retail who is simply doing their job as they are trained, or someone like me that tosses some books hoping to gain a new customer. You never know their story, what they are about, why they do what they do, or what they do for the community. I work hard with Avon to help contribute to charity events in my township, have business license and volunteer my time and donate my products. If you don't want the service, a polite thanks but not interested will do. Littering your yard? Please, no more so than the ads or the newspaper. Treat others as you'd want to be treated, we pay taxes instead of living off of yours, cut us some slack.
OH and remember my name, because my business IS growing and one day I will be quite well off and you just never know when you might be needing my assistance. Believe me, I will remember yours!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Paying It Forward
One thing I believe is that every blessing we receive is meant to be shared with those in need. We pay it forward and it blesses others lives. We receive a second blessing in giving what we have been given.
Nothing will rip my heart apart more than seeing anyone suffer, especially a child. Every so often I will see one of those telethons for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, the one that is doing all they can to cure cancer and other catastrophic illnesses that attack children. The stories will rip your heart out and many do not have a happy ending, though so many DO. St. Jude's never denies a child treatment based on their family's inability to pay, which makes them outstanding. They rely on donations to keep them up and running in the business of research and treatment to try to give these kids a fighting chance.
I was blessed that my kids grew up without these issues, and I give thanks often for this because they could just as easily have been one of those patients fighting for their life.
Avon has been a blessing to me, giving me extra income, allowing me to forge friendships with other women and giving me the chance at a financially secure, debt free future. One thing I want to always do is give back, pay it forward, in some way.
I am starting For The Children Friday. Everyone who buys online or submits their Avon order to me on Fridays, 20% of their total will be donated to St. Jude's. So once a month I will donate 20% of the total Friday sales, both online and regular phone/email sales for that month. Each Saturday I will post what the previous day's sales were, and each month I will post the monthly Friday totals, and a copy of the receipt for my donation so that if anyone has any concerns about my actually doing this, that way I am accountable.
Beginning tomorrow, For The Children Friday begins. Pray for this ministry of mine, that it might be very successful...for the children.
To purchase Avon from me any day, but especially on Friday, CLICK HERE.
Nothing will rip my heart apart more than seeing anyone suffer, especially a child. Every so often I will see one of those telethons for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, the one that is doing all they can to cure cancer and other catastrophic illnesses that attack children. The stories will rip your heart out and many do not have a happy ending, though so many DO. St. Jude's never denies a child treatment based on their family's inability to pay, which makes them outstanding. They rely on donations to keep them up and running in the business of research and treatment to try to give these kids a fighting chance.
I was blessed that my kids grew up without these issues, and I give thanks often for this because they could just as easily have been one of those patients fighting for their life.
Avon has been a blessing to me, giving me extra income, allowing me to forge friendships with other women and giving me the chance at a financially secure, debt free future. One thing I want to always do is give back, pay it forward, in some way.
I am starting For The Children Friday. Everyone who buys online or submits their Avon order to me on Fridays, 20% of their total will be donated to St. Jude's. So once a month I will donate 20% of the total Friday sales, both online and regular phone/email sales for that month. Each Saturday I will post what the previous day's sales were, and each month I will post the monthly Friday totals, and a copy of the receipt for my donation so that if anyone has any concerns about my actually doing this, that way I am accountable.
Beginning tomorrow, For The Children Friday begins. Pray for this ministry of mine, that it might be very successful...for the children.
To purchase Avon from me any day, but especially on Friday, CLICK HERE.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
YOU Have A Personal Shopper!
I am big lover of the holidays, Christmas is my all time favorite one! Now that I am an Avon Independent Sales Representative, I love it even more. Why? Santa has NOTHING on this chick!
How would you like to wrap up your shopping before the mad dash and holiday shopping rush? Make Black Friday your day of profit because while everyone else is out running themselves ragged you are home, shopping all finished, sipping your hot cocoa with your bunny slippers on having saved a lot of money? How you ask? Let me help you!
Shop now, online, with me through my AVON Store and shop from your seat, not your feet! You can shop like rich and famous, with your own personal shopper, ME! Give me a list of first names, genders and ages, I'll suggest some great gifts for you to buy. Then all you have to do is go to my online store, enter the product numbers, pay with your credit card and you will have your super deals in a few days! Oh and for every $30 you spend before 12/15/2011, you'll be entered in a drawing for $100 in FREE Avon from me. The lucky winner will get to chose their products and I'll personally ship them direct to their door! (US orders only!)
Need stocking stuffers? Avon has those in abundance, contact me and I'll help you select inexpensive, great little items sure to please! Don't forget St.Nicholas day on 12/6 - be sure to have some goodies for those stockings too!
How would you like to wrap up your shopping before the mad dash and holiday shopping rush? Make Black Friday your day of profit because while everyone else is out running themselves ragged you are home, shopping all finished, sipping your hot cocoa with your bunny slippers on having saved a lot of money? How you ask? Let me help you!
Shop now, online, with me through my AVON Store and shop from your seat, not your feet! You can shop like rich and famous, with your own personal shopper, ME! Give me a list of first names, genders and ages, I'll suggest some great gifts for you to buy. Then all you have to do is go to my online store, enter the product numbers, pay with your credit card and you will have your super deals in a few days! Oh and for every $30 you spend before 12/15/2011, you'll be entered in a drawing for $100 in FREE Avon from me. The lucky winner will get to chose their products and I'll personally ship them direct to their door! (US orders only!)
Need stocking stuffers? Avon has those in abundance, contact me and I'll help you select inexpensive, great little items sure to please! Don't forget St.Nicholas day on 12/6 - be sure to have some goodies for those stockings too!
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