Okay team, and others, it is time to set some goals for the remainder of September. We have 12 days left in this 9th month of the calendar year, let's make the most of it, shall we?
I want to have $600 in new orders this campaign, which goes in on 9/27. Via the web, phone, tossing brochures, or in person, I want that much in NEW business. In order to do it by month's end, the 30th, I need $50 a day in new orders. To do it by order day, I need $66 a day.
I want 2 more recruits for September, so I need to get on and make some follow up calls and drop off mini-kits to addresses that have not returned my calls.
I want to give out 10 brochures with free deodorant this week. This is an idea I found via my inspiration and Avon idol, Lisa M. Wilber. She has days she dedicates to a particular product, then gives it out with a brochure to everyone she comes in contact with that day. I LOVE this idea. At the moment I have an entire case of deodorant so that is my product of choice to hand out.
Here is another great idea Lisa shared today on her Facebook page:
SO ladies and gents, what are YOUR goals for your Avon business this month? What are you doing to ensure you meet them?
Just curious how your coming along with your goal. Did you try the idea in your post? I also want to find new ways to increase business.
One of the easiest I've found is revisiting customers who haven't ordered in a while (even a few years). I've found that if they get a brochure they tend to place orders. I doubled my customer count and order total this campaign by just dropping brochures off to half my past customer list.
I haven't reached the 10 yet but will before Saturday evening!
I have only been in since C7 so don't really have any past customers that haven't ordered but will be tossing and trying!!
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