2 miles so far each day, and my legs would like to disown me and head for another couch.
Part of participating is raising at least $1,800 to be donated to the walk. My personal goal is $2,500. The Avon Foundation for Women, that is hosting/sponsoring this walk, has donated over $740 million to this cause since the walks started in 2003. This cause is very near and dear to my heart so I am determined to raise the funds for it.
One way is through my donation site for the walk, and you can donated directly there and I get credit for the donation:
If you are willing to put this button above on your page, email me so I can send it to you!!
Or you participate in my eParty For AWBC (Avon Walk for Breast Cancer), I am donating all profits from those sales to the event. This is helpful for those out of town that would like help and purchase Avon at the same time.
The 3rd way you can help is through the Avon Fund Raiser I'm conducting. If you are local I can provide you with the sheets. They are sheets for ordering awesome Avon products at a great price. Like fund raisers conducted for schools or sports teams, only instead of wrapping paper, cookie dough or popcorn/chocolate, these are products most people need anyway in their home. Money is collected and the sheet filled out on the reverse side and then the profits from this fund raiser will be donated as well. If you are local and willing to take a sheet to work or school, or to friends and family, to help me raise this money, contact me! (and yes if your troop, team or youth group needs a fund raiser, contact me, this is a great way for them to raise money!)
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