I really do LOVE going to direct sales parties, they can be such a good time and I love learning about new products and business opportunities. The trouble with parties is the consultant conducting the party for the hostess always needs bookings, because that is how the business customer base grows.
I LOVE Pampered Chef for example, but I just don't have that many friends who have time to break away and spend a few hours at my home checking out cookware so that my consultant can grow her business and I can earn hostess credits for a new ice cream scoop or one of those $100+ skillets I want so badly. And to host I need to clean, cook etc to be ready for the party.
Recently I attended a party, in my PJs, from my dinning room table! It was awesome because we learned all about the products, the hostess earned credits and goodies, there was a prize drawing, and the consultant made money! In fact everyone in attendance was sitting at home in PJs sipping their favorite beverage. It was hosted as an event online on Facebook! Now if you had told me this idea a year ago I would have thought you crazy, but these are different worlds and require different, creative approaches. Sure there are book parties but those are not as much fun at all. But this was a blast!
Naturally I looked into this concept and found that one of my direct sales/party plan companies does them so I am inviting ALL of my readers to attend this event on Friday night, 8/2 at 9pm EST. It's FREE! You party right there in your PJs (or whatever you are comfy wearing to the party).
You simply log on to Facebook, RSVP that you want to attend and then show up at 9pm this Friday on the event page. You will need to refresh the page to keep up, but trust me when I tell you that this is one of the coolest ways you will attend a party. And someone attending is going to be awarded the hostess credits to use as 'her/his party' and someone else will be winning the prize drawing. So, come on over, RSVP then be sure to show up back at the event page at 9pm for the party to be eligible to win! And you too can book a party this way and host your own PJ Party with me so you can earn hostess goodies!
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