Most all of us have been touched by fund raising in one fashion or another. Either our own kids were selling candy bars, wrapping paper and cookie dough, or the neighbor children have come to our door peddling such goods in the hopes of raising much needed money for their band, team, etc. If you have ever been involved in this type of fund raiser you know what a huge hassle it can be to organize, or even just be the parent of the child trying to sell the items to anyone and everyone.
I have a fund raiser idea for you that is zero hassle. Doesn't matter where in the United States you are, I will work with you on this adventure, you won't believe how simple this will be!
I will design a fund raiser card for your group. You and the group hand out the cards to anyone and everyone you know and can think of, totally free of cost. Then, anytime anyone orders Avon from me, presenting or mentioning that fund raiser card, I will donate 10% of their purchase to your group in their name. At the end of every month I will send the designated group chair person or treasurer, a list of names of those that purchased, their total, and the total due the group. I will include a check for the total funds raised that month. No expiration, no need to sell anything. Avon sells itself! They can order right on my website, then let me know who they are and that they ordered with that card and your group benefits!
Daycare centers, sports teams, school bands, charity organizations, youth groups, mission trips, whatever the group, if they need the funds, we can work together!
These are just a few of the hundreds of designs I can order and ship to you for your group's fund raising. Contact me on my online AVON site and we can get fund raising started for you!
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