Okay I am SO excited right now. Something happened for the very first time today, something amazing, cool, makes me happy kinda something! MONEY IN THE MAIL!
It isn't the first time I've received a check from Avon, I get those bonus checks when I sign someone up and they do well in their first few campaigns. But this check is different. I made Unit Leader, so now I get a percentage bonus check on my downline's sales. Not a huge percentage, but it slides based on how much their orders are, and if they are someone directly under me, or one generation down. My downline is not huge yet, 21 representatives under me in my first, second and third generations, and not everyone is active. But of those that did place orders in the last campaign, I got a small percentage. I received a check for $25.23.
Now that might not seem like a lot to you, but it is a big hairy deal to me! It is $25.23 I didn't have before, and had not planned on receiving. It's BONUS money! It isn't my commissions, it isn't recruitment bonus money, it's money for being a Unit Leader. And it is total motivation for me! The bigger my downline and the more and better they perform, the more the checks for leadership will become. My idol in Avon recently posted that a leadership check of hers was over $9,600!!!! Not bad for a 2 week stretch, and that isn't counting her recruitment bonuses or her commissions of 50% of her sales. Yes, there IS money in being in Avon, especially in leadership.
So, what did I do? Went right out and handed out 3 brochures and have one new order! Not bad for a quick drive up on the pike to grab a sweet tea and a diet coke!
What could you do with more money? I'm looking for good women AND men to join my team. You don't have to be local, you can still join my team, anywhere in the United States! Just go to The Avon Sign Up Page and enter BREDESTEGE-GARD as the code and join my team, we're rising to the top, don't be left behind! YOU could be receiving bonus checks in your mail, mailbox money, as you build your business with Avon!
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