The day will come when I will be writing my story for others to read, of how I became THE Avon Lady in my area of town. I just know it because failure is simply not an option for me.
In that story will be tales about evenings like last night. Me, my sister and my mom were all watching DVR'd episodes of "Body Of Proof" while stamping and rolling Avon brochures. We stamp and date them, then put them in the plastic 'what's new' bags. Then we fold the top over and roll the brochure and put a rubber band around it. When I say we 'toss' brochures now, I mean it. We toss them from the moving car just like the paper boy would the daily news, right onto the driveways. We had been walking them and hanging them on doors, but this was very time consuming. I distributed 200 brochures yesterday in the morning in about 15 minutes time by driving slowly down the street and tossing them. Today we tossed about 700 total for the 3 of us. Now we are hoping for incoming orders!
Our day will come, down the road, when we will have an area/office to do all this in and some helpers to assist with the dating, stamping and rolling. For now we do what we have too.
Another memory will be like this morning. See, I am an in home daycare provider, I watch kids in my home. During the day I have a 3 month old, 1 year old and a 2 year old. After school two 7 year olds join us. I have not been diligent in getting brochures out in the past because I am busy all day with kids and I cannot take 3 little ones to walk brochures around. Yesterday was the first time I rolled and tossed, an idea from another team's blog. Today, it was me and sis, in the front seat with kids in the back seat, tossing out both sides of the car. My Avon idol, Lisa Wilber, started out in the trailer park. I am breaking ground with breakfast stains from little hands on my shirt, and baby formula 'burp' remains on my shirt and 3 car seats in the back seat of the car. I love it!
It won't last forever! Remember my name, because it will be all over Avon as a top sales rep and leader, one day soon!
1 comment:
Thank you for writing this! I'm sitting here this morning wondering if I'm doing the right thing, how to get my name OUT there and wondering if there will come a time when I get more money in than I put out. I know I'll get there, but quitting and just saying 'Oh well, I tried' seems like the easiet thing to do...but like you failure is not an option!
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